Ciao! Wow what a crazy week or so, I can't believe the week is almost over again! Bizarre having Tuesday off. My weekend was awesome, maybe a little too awesome ;) Very impressed with myself as Friday I did a 1 hour cycle class followed by a 1 hour yoga class, um yes it's true, admire me! Worked out Monday & Tuesday as well, yesterday's workout was a tough one an hour and a half cardio/weights circuit! Felt good though. I ate massive amounts of delish sushi this weekend, mmmm sushi, I can't get enough, it's like crack, I want to eat it every day!!! Went on a impromptu pub crawl thing Monday night which was a fun way to check out several bars in SF since we tend to migrate towards our tried and true favorites like the Fly. Some QT time with the ladies. Lots to do this week, I need to organize all my new pictures and send to friends, edit and play with them, post some, scrap, cook, bake, shop, decorate and help girl Z prepare for her fiesta on Saturday which will be a blast. Work on planning two trips and wedding preparations for my best friend. It felt like I had all of this time to plan and now October is right around the corner, how did that happen??? Been really digging this band The French Kicks I get into moods where I want to listen to one band over and over for awhile, right now their it. Check it out, rocks! Keep finding some cool new music and want to buy it but trying to restrain self, I'll introduce it slowly.
Oh saw Superman returns on...Sunday, I liked it and I was dissapointed by it, I mean there were flaws, poor characterization being one of them, some story stuff but hey it could have been worse. I felt it was overall enjoyable and enough so that I will purchase it on DVD. I am a big dork though, so some may not feel the same way. Heavily influenced by the first two Superman films, very nostalgic feel which I think I liked, probably because it brought back memories of watching the Original Superman films as a kid with my little brother. It was strange though that they went with the re-create the first two movies angle, I mean I knew it was coming, I know far too many comic book people not to have been bombarded with screen shots and the like, but not sure how it played out. Love Kate Bosworth, so beautiful, great Lois but like I said the characters were a bit cardboard, lacking, hoping that will be resolved in the next film since they will be able to skip all of the recap, intro stuff. I felt that they really missed the mark on seeing Superman as a person, with a personality at all, his lonleyness, alienation (cute huh?). I mean like most comic book movies there was a lot of stuff, fast, leaving the characters as an after thought. I think it would have been a much stronger film had they spent more time on the characters and relationships but hey that's just me. Yeah I think I liked X3 more than Superman, and it was disapointing compared to 2. Hee hee, Cyclops was with Lois! The special effects were cool, haven't seen Superman like that oh and there was a Spiderman 3 preview which was effing AWESOME!!!! I can't WAIT for that movie, that is going to kick some serious ARSE!!!! Man it looks GREAT! Oh and one other thing, man were the people in the theater ANNOYING!! Seriously, I thought I was going to scream, not the kids the ADULTS!!!! So loud, talking through the whole thing, like 7 cell phones went off and people ANSWERED THEM and had conversations! People yelled crap, the guy next to me was a total moron and wreaked of booze, really wreaked, SO irritating! WHY PEOPLE??? Is it so difficult to behave like a normal adult human being??? Damn! I wanted to grab one of the cell phones someone was using and throw it at their big fat stupid head! This is why I watch movies at home!
I had several adults acting like idiots run ins this weekend. On BART yesterday on my way back to Oakland, these two guys had to be in their mid to late 40's are wasted wearing Oakland A's gear and screaming and cussing because the train kept stopping and moving slow. They were pounding the roof of the train, screaming "God damn it fucking move, go now, move now, now, now, Come on" Over and over again and punching the air. There were several kids in the car, it was ridiculous. I wanted to tell them to shut it and watch their mouths but that probably would have made it worse. I do stupid things when I drink too much too but I don't act like a complete asshole on BART! I mean at what point do you grow and up and realize hey I'm 45 years old, maybe I should think about my life and priorities?? I mean seriously it was sad, pathetic. You expect that kind of thing from 18 or 19 year old's but from grown men?? Well apparently not all that grown. Lame!
Well enough about idiots, I could go on about that forever!!! Enjoy your day! Ciao!