Well.... I just returned from a European excursion, France, Spain and Switzerland in a whirlwind 15 days! Whew am I ever tired! Before that I was taking a blogging break, just too much going on in my life. I moved from Oakland to SF, changed jobs, and then all of a sudden it was the holidays and time for my trip! I apologize for leaving my readers hanging (all five of you) lol, hi mom ;) I'm back for 2007 with so much news! I'll break it up though, not going to try to squeeze it all in to one post.
First up I returned from my first real vacation in probably 5 years to an awesome little surprise...
A message from the ladies at Dishin' the Digi Coast 2 Coast radio show on DiScTalkRadio.
Congrats! You've been spotlighted on the Dishin' the Digi- Coast 2 Coast show on DiScTalkRadio. The show will run from 01/09 - 01/15
Here is the link http://www.disctalkradio.com It is free to sign up! If you want to listen to the show just register (again it's free) and go to listen now afterward to listen to the most recent show. You will see a list of links (mine is at the top) to featured layouts/artists/products that will be discussed on the show, in order of show appearance. I listened to the show last night and it was great!!! I loved it! This will be really interesting to those who both know all about digi scrapbooking and those of you who just know I do it ;) Anyway it was extremely flattering and a really lovely welcome home surprise!!! Thanks ladies!!!!!!!!!!! Please go check it out and think about subscribing, there is an amazing kit involved!!!
I don't have any pictures from France to share yet, stay tuned those will be coming early next week maybe the end of this week, I'm swamped at work and have some freelance projects to complete this week (YAY!). I will have a post tomorrow though to talk a little about the new Digital Scrapbooking Magazine my part as a Creative Board Member and basically how freaking awesome this magazine is going to be. The website will fully launch VERY soon but don't miss out sign up for your subscription to this mag NOW!! I'm sooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since I have no pics to share from France yet, here is one I just received from a friend yesterday of me and friends (obviously) at the Travelocity Holiday Party right before the holidays. I have to share because it's just so freaking cute!!! Even though I haven't fixed my red eye yet ;) It's still damn adorable!! Again I apologize for the extended hiatus and hope some of you will return to my silly little blog about my digi scrapping adventures, vegan adventures and all around strangeness! Ciao!