Yeah you read that right...hunky Jesus...sigh...I had such a freaking awesome of those weekends that felt like it was 4 or 5 days...sooooo needed that! These pics are from easter at dolores park..there was a hunky Jesus was rad! I really love the green bunny though...unfortunately I was at the park with a friend and there was tons going on so I didn't get any work done...but I had a blast and I needed it so it works out. This is why I love SF, I love living in the city, where else can you celebrate easter like this? It was such a beautiful day...I got a little sunburn though...I missed some spots on my back with the sunscreen...oopsy...oh well it's not toooo tooo bad...I've had me! The other event I wanted to go to was a big wheel race down Lombard street...but I don't have a big wheel... boo ! :( that would have rocked! Oh well...hunky Jesus was pretty amazing!
Here are some pics from my Friday night...I had soooo much fun...this is me and Scott (roommie) being ridiculous at the photo booth at pops a bar right around the corner from my house. I am obsessed with photo booths, a lot of the bars here have them and I LOVE to take photos in them, my goal is to take as many as possible in every single one of them...I know where most of them much fun...I love how gritty photo booth pictures are and there is just something about the series of pics and telling a story...sigh...I thought about doing a weekly photo booth pic as an experiment...I'm just distracted and forgetful ;) Friday was a freaking blast! I heart my hood!
I think I'm molesting Scott here...not sure what happened...
Yeah baby...grrrrrr.....
I finished a page this weekend...pretty happy with it and I'm sharing because I seriously doubt this would get published...I think that will be the case for a lot of my newer pages...subject matter...not so mainstream...but I don't do it to get published, I do it to express myself and because I love it. So this page is kind of about how I don't like labels or categories or being put in a box and I know I look like a certain type of girl but what I look like and who I am are different. Sometimes I get frustrated with the assumptions people make, I think being blond adds to that...which is why I have a hate/hate relationship with my natural hair color. In fact I love and adore dark hair, I covet it, I loved having dark hair...what I didn't love was the fact that it grew out in 4 weeks and I would have to do it again! Which sucks for 2 reasons...1) that's a pain in my ass...I'm lazy when it comes to any kind of beauty upkeep! 2) I'm cheap and that's a lot of freaking $$ to spend on your hair...why not do it myself??? Yeah tried that once...didn't really work out for me...I have a hard enough time going in for regular haircuts...maintenance of any kind irritates me...I'm busy, I have stuff to do man! So I'm currently trying for dark blond, which is far easier and cheaper to maintain...but damn I love that dark hair and am thinking of going back...ok I just blogged about hair for way too long...that's just freaking sad!
Anyways...damn it! I had a point here somewhere, I also being a queer girl...there are a lot of categories and labels and because I look a certain way I get stamped "femme" which annoys me because I'm just not really, ask my mom, I dressed like a boy for years, it used to drive her crazy! I just have longer hair and wear makeup but not a ton and I do not take a long time to get ready. You would be surprised how long it takes some andro/soft butch girls to get ready...I'm like seriously? Come've been picking out an outfit for an hour...AN HOUR!!!! Mostly I just don't give a damn anymore, I never did that much to begin with and now I'm gonna be 30, I know what I like and I don't care to obsess about what I'm wearing etc. I try not to obsess about what people think...because I don't really care...I'm simply perpetually irritated by labels...always have been...infuriates me. Plus as a woman in general I think you grow up constantly fighting those roles and societal expectations placed on you at such a young age. Underestimated. Yep so this page is a little expression of my was fun...hope ya like it...
Monday's suck...wish I was at home creating but alas I have to pay the bills...Weekend rocked my world...hard! Picked up some Fart Party comics from needles+pens on Saturday and finally sold my clothes and got some $$! Proceeded to laugh my ass off whilst reading said comics! Good stuff...good times...Inspired me to possibly go back to my mini comic roots...yeah I used to write/draw a mini comic anthology with my friends a million years ago. Plus I'm excited about APE coming up...I really love finding new awesome comics! My Party on Saturday ended up being freaking amazing! I love it when you go to a party and it just ends up being really RAD! Today I'm really, really, pumped about going to Sister Spit tonight, it's going to be soooo awesome!