::oh hello::
soooooooo....oopsy i was supposed to post my last two new paintings yesterday and i'm late...please forgive me!!! i have to say i super <3 these two!!! Word will be in the etsy.com shop today and Wii will be there tomorrow!! Next week I will be adding prints of all the new paintings as well...whew it's been a busy couple of weeks!!!
i really love her and her heart shaped freckles!!!
and this one is funny cause it's true................Wii
hee hee these make me smile!!!
i hope you like them!!! Now I have to finish up the comic for serious so it can get all printed up!! i also want to play with some new acrylic paints i purchased a while back and some canvas itching for them! It has been soooooo beautiful here in SF i also need to spend a few hours outside my house and in the park and sun! Painting is not very outdoorsy!!! My friends Forever are playing again at the Stud tonight on their way back to PDX so i will be there tonight because they R-O-C-K and i <3 them!!!
I completely junk TV'd out last night whilst painting...first a little idol which i don't even like really this season except that it's like a train wreck and i can't stop watching it cause it's soooooo bad...then LOST OMG i love lost...sigh...and then Make me a Super Model...which makes me want to stop eating like forever and ever...but i watch it anyway...cause i'm like that!! i mean how cute is Colin?? he's all clark kent...super awkward....just like my nerdy paintings!
i also think my perfect productivity combo is m&m's + diet coke= painting machine!!!
i like peanut and peanut butter mmmm......