.::oh hello::.
So I'm returning from a brief blogging hiatus due to pride, 4th of July, group show preparation and I think crafting world burnout. I read this blog recently from queering domesticity and it really hit home for me and how I have been feeling lately. Meaghan has actually written several thoughtful posts on the current state of handmade and crafting and where we as a marginalized demographic fit in. It's tough, when you look on etsy.com and at the featured sellers and big success stories it's really the same thing over and over again, hetero-normative values and relationships with a huge lack of cultural diversity. I don't see my world, my life represented in what I would call the "mainstream" crafting/art community. This shouldn't really be too surprising as a queer woman I am used of lack of representation pretty much everywhere, clearly in the media, but queers have a long history of crafting and/or arts and crafts. I spoke on a panel at the GLBT Historical Society on this topic recently as well and where we as queers fit in. There are definitely a lot of, DIY ers, sewers, crafters, artists, woodworkers and I'm surrounded by tons of them here in San Francisco but how do we expose ourselves to the "mainstream craft world" and/or do we want to? Or to do so do we have to "hide" that side of our life, not speak out about it or be "controversial"?
I know I have really been struggling with only putting my "cuter" art on etsy.com and promoting it even though I feel even my "cute" art has a very dark and often political undertone...I'm not sure the etsy audience understands my stance on gender and being a genderfuck artistically...ha or if they want to. Also with this blog, I censor myself a lot...I mean a LOT...why? Why am I afraid to openly be who I am because it's "controversial" and not talked about in the crafting world?? I think I am finally over that...because lets face it, here is the fucking truth...I am a queer woman who truly identifies as genderqueer so really a radical queer, vegan, environmentalist, who is everything anti-hetero normative and you don't get much more fucking controversial than that people...let's just face the facts. So if that freaks you out then hey that's ok, you don't have to like me or get my stuff or even like my work at all and as hard as that is for me to grasp it is the single simplest concept and incredibly freeing. Maybe you will read this and go what the fuck is this crazy hippie chick talking about and google genderqueer...that would be cool...education is good.
So expect my blog to be more honest and upfront because that's who I am and I am interested to see how this affects my art even more. I just have gotten soooo fucking frustrated with the cutesy fucking blah blah happy family partnership aesthetic that i see overwhelming the indie craft art world. Don't get me wrong I like some cute stuff I am a child of Sanrio...but I've always been drawn to the dark characters that have pointy teeth and beat up boys....and I love cute animals but for THE LOVE OF VEGANS CAN WE HAVE SOME FREAKING VARIETY???? Can someone shock me??? Make me think about shit??? Surprise my ass and fucking say something??? ANYTHING???? I guess I just can't relate to people who are fucking happy all the time because yeah I'm happy too but I'm also sad and struggle, and life as a minority is filled with struggle and life is just fucking hard people that is TRUTH!
I've been playing with lots of new concepts and styles that I'm very excited about. I'm sooooo excited to show at the upcoming Homo a go go Queer music, film, art, performance and activism festival August 13th-16th in SAN FRANCISCO CA BABY!!! This is the "renegade craft fair" of the queers and is just full of talented ass fuckers that are gonna fuck some shit up!!! Is it wrong that I am so over the renegade craft fair, like I don't even care...bleh bleh boring. I mean I'm sure it's great I'm just frustrated and feel like I have not much in common with these people, I'm sure its a great event I'm just looking for something more. I guess it's the same reason I'm drawn to small press comics as opposed to mainstream super hero stuff, relating to it, interest and looking for something with a different and interesting perspective.
So here is more about the group art show I will be participating in...........
SOMArts Gallery
(934 Brannan)
August 14-16
year's group art show at SOMARTS features video, installation, sound
pieces, photography, drawing, painting, and sculpture, among other
mediums. Artists from all over the country collide under one roof for
the great Homofest.
a culture of the margin, we are a people that has often had to forge
our own way within the constrictions of a mainstream paradigm and
marketplace. As a result we have consistently found gorgeous, and
hideous, ways to survive. And like the saying goes, "Necessity is the
mother of invention". Or as we like to think, "Your cage is our
castle". We are a subculture that often grows its own fashion, food,
gender, family, music, sex, recipes, and communication. Artists
interpret their own meanings of "Homegrown", from home to grown.
you can see a list of the artists here under the visual artists section. Check it out and buy your passes because there is sooooooooooooo much amazing talent out there that most people never see!!!!
I'm super excited about my concept for the show and will be sharing some sneak peaks soon I will also be doing a lot of play with pronouns throughout history.
So I'm sure I just pissed off and offended a bunch of people but I would rather do that and be myself than try to play cute for everyone. I don't plan on getting all preachy and bossy just not holding back on who I am anymore. If you leave offensive homophobic comments I will delete them so don't bother.