.::oh hello friday!!!!::.
I actually don't know how it became friday so quickly jeez!! But I'm glad it is friday whew! Although I have tons of work to finish boooooooo :( Anyways.........yesterday I ran errands with panda bear and took him to the park and then ran to the store sigh and then I realized I forgot to mail our netflix and I threw myself on the bed and whined because I want my new flix for the weekend yet didn't want to drag my tired self to the mailbox (its like 2 blocks)....so I asked panda if he would take them for me....................................
um.............SERIOUSLY???????????????????? OMG could he actually BE any cuter????? I think it's actually impossible...although I think he was more interested in eating and chewing up the netflix (he likes paper) than actually deliver them to the mailbox...and how would he open it he only has paws and he is little.................................I know I'm weird but we as a house feel we need to train panda to go get us sodas and chocolate from the corner store and pick us up burritos from our favorite burrito place papalotes.........heee heee :D
Some other favorite things this week...........this cake from whisk kid some friends did something similar to this a couple years ago and I totally forgot how cool it was and now I super want to re-create this cake only VEGAN!!!!
sometimes straight people forget the gay significance of the rainbow :D UM HOW amazing does this look now to make it without the cruelty and bring it to a queer birthday party and we have PERFECTION!!!So with the addition of Panda Bear to the house, we are all now obsessed with Boston Terriers...and I just discovered this website full of ADORABLE Boston items All-Mighty check it out it's soooo Awesome!!!
I HAVE to have this shirt it combines two of my loves...comics+boston terriers=dear someone buy this for me!!! i love this tote and I've seen it and fallen in love at my local pet store! soooooooooooooo cute!!!!I added a new print to the shop Please check it out!!!
and of course one more............
seriously that face!!!!!!!!!! You do NOT understand how cute he is, it doesn't translate via photo...it's impossible to catch all the cuteness of Panda.............love him soooooo much!!! I'm taking him and his girlfriend squid to the park today and painting and getting some stuff organized.........trying to get a schedule worked out for the next month and goals for the next 3 months.........I'll let you know how it goes :D Happy weekend!!xoxo